Larry Norman Message Board

Thanks to all the thousands of visitors we've had in the past 30 days.
The response has been overwhelming, and has meant a lot to
Larry's family and friends around the world.

Again, thanks for all the support and great memories...
Post Info TOPIC: Tributo a Larry Norman

Tributo a Larry Norman

Me chamo Rinalme, sou apresentador do programa de rádio denominado CHRISTROCK, na Rádio Educativa Salesiana Padre Cicero, FM 104.9, da cidade de Juazeiro do Norte, Estado do Ceará, Brasil, que pela internet pode ser ouvida através do link     ... ... ...

... ..... e estarei realizando no próximo domingo 30/03/2008 a partir das 20:00hs um TRIBUTO AO LARRY NORMAN.

Gostaria apenas de informar pois através do programa procuro divulgar a mensagem de Cristo e também as bandas de rock cristãs nos mais variados estilos e vertentes e uma das primeiras músicas tocadas na primeira edição do programa era do Larry Norman... sempre o admirei e sou um fã da música que ele fazia!!!

Tenho certeza que ele está hoje gozando as bençãos maravilhosas do nosso Amado Deus!!!

Ray Fowler


Here is a (rough) translation for those of us who do not speak Portuguese.

Tribute to Larry Norman:

Ny name is Rinalme.  I am the announcer for the radio program CHRISTROCK, on Rádio Educativa Salesiana Padre Cicero, FM 104.9, from the city of Juazeiro do Norte in the state of Ceará, Brasil, which may be heard on the Internet via the link:  http:/ 

I will be playing next Sunday March 30, 2008 starting at 8:00 p.m. a TRIBUTE TO LARRY NORMAN. 

I would like to let you know, as through the program I am seeking to share the message of Christ and also Christian rock bands of many varied styles, and one of the first musicicians playing on the first edition of the program was Larry Norman ... I have always admired and am a fan of the music he made!!!

I am certain that he is enjoying the marvellous blessings of  our Beloved God!!!

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