Larry Norman Message Board

Thanks to all the thousands of visitors we've had in the past 30 days.
The response has been overwhelming, and has meant a lot to
Larry's family and friends around the world.

Again, thanks for all the support and great memories...
Post Info TOPIC: Leave a message for Larry Norman's family

RE: Leave a message for Larry Norman's family

Larry had such an intense impact on me, I'll never be able to relate it correctly... I will miss him and long for the time we meet in person!



As a Christian teenager in an Australian regional town in the 70's, there was only one Christian musician to listen to.  My friends and I played Larry's records over and over and had the great opportunity to go see him whenever he came to Australia.  I hope I wasn't shallow enough in my faith that it was only Larry that kept me looking up - but he was a big influence.  I painted the Solid Rock logo, the One-Way symbol and other jesus-freak symbols on an old pair of jeans that my mother stil recalls as 'the Jesus jeans'... wore them 'til they fell apart.

I spoke to Larry several times after his Melbourne concerts in the 70's and 80's, beginning with interactions as an enthusiastic fan and later interviewing him more formally for Christian street papers and alternative media.  He was always courteous, patient and perceptive.  I think he understood the potential he had to influence his fans and he strove to foster the Kingdom wherever he was.

He was always an inspiration and I'm pleased to say that his passing was acknowledged at both the church services I went to last Sunday.  One service was at a radical counter-culture inner-city church and the other at a conservative rural evangelical church.  I spent most of Sunday afternoon singing "The Great American Novel" and "The Outlaw" out loud as I was driving home from another city.

I've been following Larry's illness over the last couple of years and have been impressed and inspired anew by his relentless focus on the things that really matter - the eternal perspective that he maintained was a challenge to me.

Be aware that Larry had an international influence and credibility which no other Christian musician has achieved.  There are other cool contemporary bands and musicians but Larry created the trail that some though impossible to blaze.

Larry Norman was a faithful man of God who used his gifts to impact on millioins of people.  His legacy will continue through the wonderful music that he wrote and in 500 years as we welcome him off-stage after another inspiring set, I'm sure we'll all want to thank him again for being the original righteous rocker.

Steve Burns
Ballarat, Australia

Phil Miles (Australia)


Dear Charles and the rest of Larry's family

I was very sorry to hear of Larry's passing, though I guess it's something we've all been dreading for some time. I pray the God of all comfort will be with you at this difficult time.

I would like to share with you all a little of what Larry's ministry has meant to me.

I first heard Larry's music on a cassette that someone brought to youth group in the early 70s- it was probably 'Why Don't You Look Into Jesus'. It is an experience I will never forget. Hearing that first song and then many after it changed a lot for me (and I think I saw Larry on all his visits to Australia). As a young teenager my life was becoming somewhat split between churchy, Christian things and the culture and voice of the world around me. It would have been easy to just compartmentalise these two (just being a Christian on Sundays and something else the rest of the week), or eventually end up choosing either my faith or belonging to my own time and generation. Larry's music changed all that. Suddenly it became possible to be both- I could be committed to Christ without ignoring the world around me.

I continued to enjoy Larry's music, of course, but I think the influence of what he was trying to do through his music had even more influence on me than the songs themselves. I eventually became a missionary working with university students in Japan, and the issues that Larry helped me with as a young man were also issues that my students were struggling with- how to be Christian yet also members of their own culture. Rock music was never a medium I could use directly, but Larry's modeling of how to deal with these issues was always in the back of my thoughts. I am very thankful to him for that.

Let me also say that over the years I have met many believers from many countries and inevitably people will know about and love Larry's music. It doesn't matter whether they're from Africa or Norway or wherever- people all around the world have been touched by Larry's music and ministry. That is something you can truly thank God for.

God bless

Phil Miles

Jim Fox


I owe Larry so much.  I wouldn't be writing and performing my music today if it hadn't been for Larry.  He told me I could do it . . . so I did.  I have vowed to sing at least one Larry Norman song in every concert I do as a tribute to him.

My thoughts are with you Charles, and all the family.  His memory will live for a long, long time and I guess that even more people are going to hear his music now he has left us.

This world was not his home, he was just passing through.

Jim Fox

Bill Young


I just wanted to say how grateful I am for Larry's songs and mission. Rarely has there been a week in the last 25 years that I didnt catch myself humming or singing a Norman tune then eventually thank God for Larry Norman. Larry inspired me to push through some pretty dark times and im eternally gratefull.
Larry, i will miss you my brother.  

Kim Dimond


I met Larry Norman and his brother Charles one time when they came to my city to do a show at least 20 years ago (Winnipeg Manitoba Canada). 
At 39 years old, I can still recall that night. 
The impact Larry had on me, the impression he made, the inspiration I was given to "keep it real" for Christ. 
That was one of the BEST shows/nights of my troubled teenage world. 
God used Larry's music as an anchor when I found myself floundering in the storms.
I feel for your families loss, but rejoice with you in the fact that this faithful servant is now in the place his heart longed to be.
One more more sorrow...
Thank you, thank God for sharing this human who taught us all about being fearfully and wonderfully made.



I was a teenager of the 70s.  Larry was one of only a handful of musicians playing contemporary Christian music--and in my opinion, the best.  I still have his albums, and have kept a turntable all these years so that I can listen to them!

I went to a couple of his concerts back in college, and was SO impressed at how well he "snuck in" the gospel before you had a chance to zone out.  He was the only Christian entertainer who I would take non-Christian friends to, because he was truly a witness to the love of Jesus.

His music was poetic, thought-provoking and singable. (how many of us sang "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" countless times around the campfire at camp!?!?!)
I'm sure that God is smiling at having Larry with Him in heaven, and saying, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

Tom (southern Cal)


My deepest condolences to Charles, Larry's mother and the rest of his family. Thank God that we as Christians sorrow not as those who have no hope! The reunion in Heaven will be awsome.

One time in the mid 70's I was riding with my friend in his 65 Mustang up from San Diego to the L.A. area when Larry's song "Why Should The Devil Have All The Good Music?" came on the radio.  I had heard it before because I had "Only Visiting This Planet", but my friend never had.  He was blown away by the song and how Larry would say things that no one else would!  I still have those old records, including "Upon This Rock", "Street Level", and "Bootleg".

Brooks Vandergraf


I am a bit in shock, as I was not aware of Larry's illness in recent years. I can only say , peace and prayers to his family, and to Larry, . . . thanks for the music and inspiration.

Brenda Caley, Glenmoore, PA

One Step Ahead of the Crowd

"A leader is someone who's one step ahead of the crowd...
A martyr is someone who's two steps ahead of the crowd."

Larry Norman may not have been a martyr, but in the sense that the fundamentalist Christian community did their best to kill his reputation, he was.  In any case, he certainly was two steps ahead of the crowd! 



RE: Leave a message for Larry Norman's family

My brother gave his heart to Christ as a young teenager and then walked away.  Far, Far Away. As teens we went to a few Larry Norman concerts, I was a huge fan--he didn't seem to care.  Last week he called me for the first time in years to tell me he heard Larry died.  He said it made him feel "funny."  He said it was the only Christian music he had ever listened to.  Thanks for your life Larry.  But I hope that you know that even in death you are reaching the lost.

John Patten


I am devastated. Our company's news site is down with a LN tribute on the front.

Thanks for visiting this planet, Larry. Hope to visit with you again.



I'll miss Larry, but not as much as his family and friends.  I only knew him through his music and a number of concerts "Up in Canada".  I did meet him backstage at time, where he wouldn't sign an album but would smile at me all the same.  I understood why he chose to do that and that he meant why he wouldn't sign... he was trying to give the glory to God... He was real and he was a true servant to a generation that needed an alternative voice.  My friend Terry and I spoke the language of Larry through Bible School where we met our wives Joanne & Shelley - all of us big fans of LN.  God took you home Larry, but you live on in our hearts.

Rod Allen


Dear Normans:  We just received the word of Larry's trip home yesterday.  One of the hardest things about being a missionary is not being there in key moments in the lives and the deaths of people you love.  Be sure our prayers are with y'all, especially Charly, Michael and Margaret.  We send you "un gran abrazo" -  a big hug.  We'll be praying for you in this time of adjustment to life without Larry.  His and yours,  Rod, Jackie, Chelsea, Nigel and Colin Allen, Salta - Argentina

Norman W.


I'll miss Larry but I know we will meet in Heaven. Hey Larry, say Hi to Gary for me, you'll probably find him beside some mountain stream with a dog.
Another man of God has gone home, again.



My deepest condolances to the family..
Larry made a great impression on me when I saw him on a stage in The Netherlands; long blond hair, old jeans and a leather jacket. But singing..., so charismatic.., his favourit song? Amazing Grace..., we sang it all together, beautifull! When I will sing it again, I will surely think of Larry, thx bro, you sure did change the music!



Thank you Larry for visiting this planet. It meant a lot to a lot of people.

Pastor Rick Messana


I am very, very sad. In fact I can't seem to stop the tears. I met Larry in 1978 when I was managing the Charles Cinema in Boston. He came to see "The Deer Hunter" with a friend. The friend was so overwhelmed by the movie that he sat in the theater and wept for several minutes after the credits had rolled. Larry came out into the lobby to give his friend some space. That's when I saw him and had a fifteen or twenty minute conversation with him. I thanked him for teaching me that the Devil didn't have to have all the good music and for making me laugh in the gym when he came to Eastern Nazarene College. He was kind and sweet and I cherish the memory of that brief encounter. Can't wait to meet you again Larry, this time in heaven's lobby and not some popcorn smelling theater lobby. God bless you for bringing us the music you did. You changed my life and the lives of countless other young people who thought Christian music was supposed to be boring and crappy.



please excuse my bad english
there is a youtube vid with larry singing 'the outlaw'
in that a saw is being played, it cries, i cry to.

larry was a sort of outlaw to, went his own way and touched hearts like mine.

he spoke out  'i believe in G'd', but not only spoke of it, lived it, walked that one way.

i wish you all many strength in this difficult time.
greeting from the netherlands

Joaquim Pacheco


In the love of Christ I write this message, and sorry about the poor english, i only speak portuguese

Our brother in Jesus blood Larry Norman are now in the hands of The Almighty, and I now in the Name of Jesus taht we will see again when Christ came to take His Holy Church

Greace and Peace of God

Joquim Pacheco

krister from sweden


Larrys music meant alot to me when I was growing up. Specially the lyrics has been a great help in my life. I have been listening to Larrys music for the last 30 years and he has been such an inspiration in my ya bro someday...I am also just visiting this planet

Becki Carr Christensen


I heard the sad news while on a trip to Southern california.
I am sorry for your loss. My parents knew Larry when he was an
infant in San Francisco At First Baptist church. The ATOMS class.
I met Larry when I was 16 at a reunion of that class that my parents
attended and took me to.
A few days later we had a brunch with Joe and Marge and Charles.
It was a good memory.
I remember Larry and a good and gentle soul, who loved Jesus
more than anything else in the world.
I bought all of his albums and now will buy his CD's.
My condolences to you all.
Becki Carr Christensen

Bob Shriver


   This past Sunday night, (3/2/08) we scrambled together to do a 4 hour tribute (entire show) to the ministry of Larry Norman.  After a friend of the show notified us just hours after the news came out that Larry had passed away, we all decided to do the tribute.  Our show, New Creation, is about to celebrate 30 years a Christian rock show.  During those years, we have played many of Larry's songs.  Even on his last day here on earth, we had played the song, "When We Were All So Young" (Randy Stonehill, Phill Keaqggy, Larry Norman, Russ Taff, 2nd Chapter of Acts, and more) that night, not knowing that Larry has already gone home just hours before.
    We got a lot of responses from listeners who never really knew Larry, but fell in love with the music as the show went on that night.  I think we might even do more this coming Sunday night as well. 
    To Charles, Mike, and family, may God continue to Bless you all.  I hope that future plans will allow some of the music to be re-release so that others can enjoy Larry's music.  I even ask that the LP, "Stop This Flight" be release on CD.  I know some folks who really enjoyed that album.  Thank you so much for your love given to Larry on his last days here on earth.  God Bless.

                 Bob Shriver (New Creation)   Also, I should thank our founder of the show, Bob Felberg for rushing us material at the last minute for the tribute.  Mike Zavarelli is the third co-host of the show, and contribute some LP's for the show as well. The show is on Sunday nights, 9pm to 1am EST on WVOF, 88.5 FM stereo, Fairfield, Connecticut.  Web steaming on

Don Magnuson


This news put me in a very subdued and contemplative mood tonight as it should when anyone who had a strong influence on our Christian faith moves on.  How have we spent our lives?  Did we waste them?  Did we live like a Christian jellyfish or a Christian rock?  I remember seeing Larry Norman as a very young kid in northern Minnesota.  We may have seen him in Fargo, ND, I can't remember.  I remember during the applause after each of his songs he would point to heaven as if to say, "You should be applauding God".  I remember his albums appearing in our house and listening to them repeatedly, being too young to understand many of the lyrics but enjoying them anyway.   I like the fact that not every song tried to preach you a sermon.  His lyrics often reminded me that you can be a Christian yet still feel very, very human and broken.  The lyrics and haunting melody to one song I don't even know the title of still come to mind 35 years  later.  They remind me of my wife every time I hum it to myself.  I think I have the lyrics close to right.  Thank you Larry Norman.

When I first saw you
I was on my own
Looking for a love I could call my own
Watching and waiting the years go by
Suddenly I see you walk by and maybe you,
I'm hoping that baby you,
I'm praying that maybe you and I
Could spend our lives together



I saw Larry perfom in concert when I was 13 years old. I had been a Christian for just 1 year and needed very badly to see that Christianity wasn't just steeples and bells. His music and message made a huge impact on my life. Today, I am a Ph.D. candidate in Bible Exposition, and while the old vinyl records sit on my shelf, the CD versions of all those albums are never far from my car's CD player.

From the moment Larry came onto the scene, the devil didn't have all the good music anymore!

Looking forward to seeing him again in the kingdom.

Plano, TX

Bill Craig


I first discovered Larry's music in 1990, when I was 20 years old and in the Air Force.

In collecting a couple of his albums I learned very quickly how important his music was. He blazed the trail for so many artists. Just the other day I was singing under my breath Larry's song, "The Last Supper." I don't know why that song came to my mind but it was a pretty visual tune.

I often think I was born in the wrong generation, having loved Larry's music along with other music from his generation. But then I'm sure Larry would say I'm right where God wants me to be.

I didn't know Larry died until tonight so I will keep his family in prayer.

Bill in Mount Vernon, Washington

Jeffery Troutt


I heard about Larry's death with great sadness. His music and commentary were very influential with me as a young man. I emulated him as a musician, and adopted much of his thinking. I was a lot like him before I had even heard of him, and knowing that there was someone else like me out there who was a Christian helped me hang on to my faith in very lonely times.
Thanks, Larry, for your impact on my life. It has made me a better person, and I am grateful.
My deepest sympathy to Larry's family. There is certainly nothing I can do to ease your pain, but I hope it is at least heart warming and a source of gratitude that someone you love affected so many people for the good.

Andrew Dixon


Like so many others, Larry played a very encouraging role in my life when I was young in an Australian country town (moved here to Canada 2 years ago), learning guitar and trying to "stretch" in Christian music in my family and church, it was the messages AND the music that I enjoyed so much, and even as I write this I hear them play in my mind. Along with Phil Keagey, Randy Stonehill, Kieth Green, Chuck Gerard, Petra and David Meece to name a few, filled my teen years so much that I really missed out (a good thing as it turns out) on the worlds music from the late '70's and '80's. We hear about "God's Generals" from time to time, I consider Larry was (and is in the Lord's presence) a Music "Major General". May the Lord bless and keep you all at this time and in the continuation, and growth of this ministry to touch peoples lives so we can win more souls for the Lord.



I grew up with Larry's music, thanks to my parents, who listened to his albums as they were coming out, when they were in youth group. Now I'm an adult, and can perhaps appreciate his music a bit more. I was heartbroken to find out, from my dad, that he had passed away. I hope he (and his family) know that his music will not die with his generation, and that it has influenced the ones that have come after. He will be missed so badly, but I guess he finally got his invitation to "come play in the band".



I remember being ten years old at Cornerstone Music Festival and seeing Larry Norman at a booth. I couldn't even say "Hi" I was so nervous. We used play his records and make up dances to them. I was recently looking for music to listen to in Salem and came across Larry's name. I was so excited to actually live in the same town as Larry, it was like I was 10 years old again. I had to call my family and tell them. I was so sad to hear that he had passed but so moved at how at peace he was with his death. He was a musician that will always remain in my heart. The way that he told it like it was and made no apologies for it.
He was truely a man after God's heart. You will be missed, Larry Norman.
Thanks for some great music,

Linda Boeddiker Davidson


I was saddened to hear of Larry's passing and hope that he has found true peace and love at last.  I went to high school (Campbell) with Larry and lived on DeTracey St a couple of houses down from the Normans in San Jose.   I have fond memories of Larry speaking his mind (in those days it wasn't really allowed) in English class.  He was a truly unique individual and I was always impressed by his courage and his ability to take a stand and not give in to peer pressure in high school. 
I am sorry for your loss; I know he will be missed tremendously.

Shanon From Suisun city Ca


to Larrys family

I am deeply saddened by the news of Larrys going to be with the Lord. I am happy for larry that the sufferings of this world  does not compare to the Joy and peace that he must have being in the presance of our Lord. it is hard losing a loved one , but remember that you will one day see him again. and next time it will not be with sadness , but with Joy!!!

            My condolances to the family

Kerstin Watson


To the Norman family,

I know the pain of losing a loved one, but I also know the exceeding joy of knowing they have made it home... May you too - in the midst of sorrow and pain - know an abundance of joy and peace at the thought of Larry being with his Father whom he served so faithfully. His rewards will be many. We have lost a wonderful singer and witness, but heaven has gained a great man. And all of heaven will be dancing with joy. May God comfort you beyond human ability.

Love to you all and prayers from
Kerstin Watson



Larry Norman was the first rock'n roll artist I listened to as a kid back in the 80's. He therefor means a lot to me.

Keep on rockin' up in heaven Larry!

Bjorn Ove, Norway

Jeff Hollett

RE: Leave a message for Larry Norman's family

More then facts of Larry's life and the propositional truths of his accomplishments there is the person of Larry, the spirit of Larry, and the inpact of Larry.  I can say with my whole heart that Larry Norman was a real christian.  To many today are actors in public while their live behind closed doors is very different.  There were not two Larry's just one in love with Jesus and sold out for him.   I was and am greatly encouraged by the life and example of Larry Norman.  As scripture says: Mark them who walk after our example.  Larry, you have been so noted as one who follows Jesus and we are better for it.

When I was first saved in 1975 in jail after a while I wondered about music and the place it would have in my life.  I missed the rock and roll of my generation and some how I got my hands on Only Visiting and my world was rocked.  I played that album for anyone who would stand still long enough to listen.

Larry once said in concert that when he went to school the professor told him that he couldn't write music until he had taken the music appreciation class in classic Larry tone he related his apology having already written over 500 songs. 

Larry we miss you already.

Tim and Karen


I have been an admirer of Laryy's since I was a young teenager. I remember my sister used to sing "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" in my Dad's church. Later, when my Mom saw a picture of Larry for the first time she was ready to ban me from listening. Then I showed her Larry's name on the sheet music. She wasn't happy, but she's a Mom, she's not supposed to be where her kids music is concerned.

Many years later, just a few weeks after getting married, my wife and I became aware that Larry was doing a benefit concert in the Auburn, AL area. It was worth every bit of the 4 hour round-trip drive. That would turn out to be the only opportunity I had to see Larry live in concert.

As sorry as I am for your loss, it brings me great joy to remember him and his music. And it brings great comfort to know he and Elvis are taking turns singing lead while King David plays the harp.

Tim and Karen
McDonough, GA

Ray Fowler


Don Magnuson wrote:

The lyrics and haunting melody to one song I don't even know the title of still come to mind 35 years  later.  They remind me of my wife every time I hum it to myself.  I think I have the lyrics close to right.  Thank you Larry Norman.

When I first saw you
I was on my own
Looking for a love I could call my own
Watching and waiting the years go by
Suddenly I see you walk by and maybe you,
I'm hoping that baby you,
I'm praying that maybe you and I
Could spend our lives together


I also like that song.  I have never heard those words to it before.  Did Larry sing it in concert this way?  I know he often changed the words around to his songs.  I am used to it this way:

When I first met you
I was all alone
Looking for a love I could call my own
Watching a dream step out of time
Suddenly this came to my mind that maybe you,
I'm hoping that maybe you,
I'm praying that maybe you and I
Could spend our lives together


Pastor Paul Booko


I loved Larry Norman.  He had a profound impact on my life when I was a teenager.  His music inspired me and I performed many of his songs.  He was the best of the best in creativity and originality.  I am now the Senior Pastor of a 1,000 member church in Three Rivers, MI that's as radical as Larry Norman.  His influence helped shape me into the man  I am today.

John Patten, Venice Florida


Cornerstone 1990: Larry (in black t-shirt and shorts) eating and talking with music fans. Previously unpublished photo.
Cornerstone 1990: Larry (in black shorts and t-shirt) trying to eat inedible pseudo-Chinese vendor food while talking with music fans. Previously unpublished photo.



In 1975 or 76 Larry came to my church in Seattle and did a concert after Honeytree had also played. I had the privelidge of hearing him live. It was the only time I did. There were some people who didn't understand Larry at that time and did not stay for the whole concert. They missed out. He may have been a little out there in the first part of that concert but he certainly brought it home at the end. I have been in the ministry for 30 years and hope that I might have just a little impact like Larry did. It would be an honor. May Jesus be with you and comfort you in the days ahead.

greg morris


to larry,s family my prayers are with you at this time,to larry thank you for your music,your love for your brothers in christ,and for fighting the good fight,as the Lord will say,well done my good and faithfull servant for you haven't died but have been promoted to glory.
cheers larry your brother in christ g.morris

Brenda Caley

The Time Larry Was Called a Sissy...

Just thought I'd share one of Larry's experiences as we reminesce...

In concert, Larry told a story of when he was in his band, "People", in the 60s.  They were at a hotel pool when a group from a football team started to tease them, "Why do you all have long hair?  You look like a bunch of sissies!  What?  Are you in a BAND??", they asked in a mocking tone.
"Yeah, we're in a band."
"What's the name of your BAND?", again in a mocking tone.
"People", he said unassumingly.
"People??  You mean, 'I love you' (the name of their hit song) People??", they asked, now incredulously.
"Yeah, that band."
"You mean you're People People??  Hey, that's our song!"
Next thing they knew, they were surrounded by a tough football team, patting them on the backs and chatting with them, because 'I love you' was the team's "song"!


RE: Leave a message for Larry Norman's family

Hi all,

I live in Holland and yesterday I heard about Larry's death. This news makes me cry. Not because I don't want Larry to be with his saviour. But because the thought I never will see him on stage again is almost sucking my breath away.

On several concerts in Holland I've seen him and talked to him. His music and lyrics had a great influence on my live and also on the lives of some of my friends.

It feels like I've lost my brother and in a way that is true. I've spent the last few ours watching his concerts on youtube. Knowing he's death still his word's catch me, wich makes clear how special he was in his own way. I don't know how to carry on without him but we all must.

To his son Michael I want to say that I will pray for you. I don't know what else to say that will ease your pain. Knowing that your father was a help to many lost souls and an example for a lot of christians must help you a little. Please carry on. And follow your owne mind, just like your father did.

And if anyone wants, pleace pray for me. I feel so empty inside. I hope you understand what I'm typing here, because my Englisch is not so good.

Thank you all, my brothers and sisters in Christ our Lord.




A short message to say that Larry was an inspiration to me in the 70's & 80's and then I lost track of his music and ministry. But I always thought of him as an outstanding revolutionary christian musician.

I offer my very sincere codoleances to the family.

- jacques



I thank God for Larry Norman. He proved to the world Jesus had the Good Music. I needed to hear about Jesus with a Rock sound. I still do at 44. Now Jesus really has the good music. Thank you Lord for the life of Larry Norman.
Scott Talbert
194 El Paso
Mc Dade, Texas 78650

Chris Friedrick (sherwood)


My Son and I only discovered Larry and His music a couple years ago. I was collecting records (LP's) and stumbled across "Upon this Rock", and we were hooked.Larrys music brings Glory to God, and effectively reaches the lost. I will miss having him around, but look forward to spending some time with him in eternity, while in the presence of of my Savior Jesus Christ ! I pray for God's richest blessings for Larry and his family.
     In Christ by His Grace, Chris

Warren Polley


For most people the following may seem inconsequential as they are only events in my life, but for me they are significant and will help me to remember the influence Larry has had on my life on the other side of this small world...

...My wife and I were married (almost) on Larry's birthday - 7th April 2001. It was one day out because the 7th was a Saturday in Australia.

We played "I love you, I love you, I love you" as we walked back down the aisle after the ceremony.

My 4th child (a son) was born on Monday 25th Feb at 9.09pm. Once again a day out, due to the day/time difference, of the time Larry died.

While the new son was named after a couple of relatives I will continue to nickname him 'Larry'.

Now that I know the time of of his memorial service, I have been waiting bury the birth placenta and plant a tree at the same time to remember Larry's life, death and future resurrection.

I think I will play "I've got to learn to live without you". Followed by "Hymn for the last Generation."

"Thanks again for your small part in my life Larry, I hope I see you in heaven..."


Rob Morris


I was introduced to Larry Norman as a DJ for Trevecca Nazarene's college radio station, WNAZ, back in the '70's. His music inspired me in so many ways, particularly "The Outlaw".

God bless yah, Larry. Enjoy your new home in heaven. See yah soo!

Linda Coleman


I will miss his gift to us all, been a big fan since '74, saw him in Tacoma sometime in the late seventies, had a really great time there. 

To the family: I know you will miss him infinitely more than any of us; and you have my deepest sympathy and you have a big, collective, virtual hug from the rest of us.

Love and peace,
Port Orchard, WA

Dennis Champeau


I will deaply miss good friend lee got me hook yo his music.I LOVED IT.had a chance to see him in Iowa and at cornerstone in ILL.When i heard about his death i cried because those two concert where the best.

                                WITH LOVE
                          DENNIS CHAMPEAU

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