Larry Norman Message Board

Thanks to all the thousands of visitors we've had in the past 30 days.
The response has been overwhelming, and has meant a lot to
Larry's family and friends around the world.

Again, thanks for all the support and great memories...
Post Info TOPIC: so good to be with friends

so good to be with friends

thank you, Larry Norman (Charlie N. and Randy S., too) for being real guys loving a real Savior back when I was coming to Him in 1974...

Time flies when we're with friends...
"I'll see you later---I'll miss your smile---come back soon, we'll laugh awhile, okay?"

Oh what a day when we all join Jesus in Paradise...thanks for bringing a touch of compassion and real faith to my time on this journey...for standing up for simple true living...

Thanks, Jesus, for your servant, Larry Norman.

Pressing on,



When MIke, one from my "small circle of friends", was taken in an accident, his GOOD life ended in 1987, and he began the BETTER life, God gave me comfort as I cried all the way to be with his widow, Lyn, and his teenaged kids. Our "friends song", that I sang for Mike alive, became the reminder song for those of us left behind.

As I remember Larry leading us into shivers in KC as he sang/proclaimed, "MESSIAH!!! MESSIAH!!!" back in the 1980's...I find hope for the journey in Jesus bonding us all together eternally...

Mikes Song

It's so good to be with friends
and all the time that we can spend
talkin', laughin', singin' songs
sharin' love the whole day long
Oh yeah, Oh yeah

Time with friends can really fly
soon it's time to say goodbye
"I'll see you later, I'll miss your smile"
"Come back soon and stay awhle"
"Okay, Okay?"

Wouldn't it be good
not to say goodbye?
Don't you wish we could
Never say goodbye?

Find yourself a lifetime friend
One who'll be there past the end.
Friends in this friend never die
Friends in Him don't really say,
"Goodbye, Oh No!"

Come and join me
Give your heart to Him
I want you to be
My Eternal Friend

I love you and you love me
And we can love eternally
Come and join me in the light
Give your heart to Jesus Christ
Tonight, Alright

No more dying
Death where is thy sting?
There's no more crying
In Christ's sweet victory!

It's so be with friends
And all the time...that we can spend
Talkin'...Laughin'...Sharin' Love
Our whole lives long....Our whole lives long

Radical Music/Kenny Allen, 1987

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