Larry Norman Message Board

Thanks to all the thousands of visitors we've had in the past 30 days.
The response has been overwhelming, and has meant a lot to
Larry's family and friends around the world.

Again, thanks for all the support and great memories...
Post Info TOPIC: Larry is now more alive that he’s ever been
Johann from Germany

Larry is now more alive that he’s ever been

May God grant you an extra amount of comfort at this time. When I heard this morning that Larry left this planet to be with the Lord, I remembered the saying by D.L. Moods: When you hear I died , dont believe it. Ill be more alive than Ive ever been. So is Larry now.  His  music still feeds my soul, his prophetic words have always enflamed my passion for Christ and encouraged me to live an authentic Christian life. Im so thankful for what God has given us through His servant Larry Norman. I am looking forward to see him again, on the other side, when the great Story will begin which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before. (last line from The Last Battle, by C.S. Lewis)

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