Larry Norman Message Board

Thanks to all the thousands of visitors we've had in the past 30 days.
The response has been overwhelming, and has meant a lot to
Larry's family and friends around the world.

Again, thanks for all the support and great memories...
Post Info TOPIC: Thankyou Larry & Norman Family
Keith Schwartz

Thankyou Larry & Norman Family

Dear Norman family,

Some of the things I will remember most about Larry are his gentleness and boldness (two traits that rarely go together in one person), as well as his humility, insight, toughness, candor, and humor... all carried together with a "God given stamp of approval" grace that made Larry unique to so many.

I also saw that in his family.

I want to say today that I have been particularly impressed with the great love, talents and support I've seen in Larry's entire family and their collective and individual contributions to and in harmony with Larry and to every one of us in making the Solid Rock ministry what it was.    I remember Larry saying at his 60th birthday of Charles "my brother loves me so much" was said in such a simple matter of fact way that the honesty & love of his statement ran deep.   I could see Larry treasured his whole family "so much" as well, and Mike clearly was (& is) the apple of his eye. 

I will never forget speaking with Larry's mother about my moms recipe book (we were both sitting down) and Larry coming over and resting a hand on my shoulder and keeping it there for several minutes as he also joined the conversation - I knew without question he was laying hands on me and praying for me & my ministry.  Thank you brother - my music has never been the same since.

It is so evident Larry's family's love and efforts were for both Larry AND the vision of how this world CAN be changed by Christians who really do walk in love - not just talk about it (and then go home after church with the message left in the parking lot).  I believe Larry was an evangelist - though he used to say he didn't think he had the ability to evangelize - I think he DID - and he lived by the motto of St. Francis: "Preach Christ daily... and, if necessary - use words".

Our hearts are with you in this time of loss Norman family, Charles mentioned in the public post he so kindly shared that Larry had conveyed instructions on continuance of the Solid Rock ministry - I thank God it is in the best of hands.

Larrys ministry - like the greats before him should and will carry on.  He was at times as eloquent as Charles Spurgeon, as real as Keith Green, and as relevant as Dr. King.  God's own spirit enflamed Larrys words & work with the power of the spirit that will never die.

For as long as I can pickup a guitar I will always play his music.  I loved Larry, I am grateful to God he was here.

God bless you Norman family, my wife and I and our family will be in prayer for you and the service this morning.  You have our gratitude, friendship, love, and blessings now and always.

Your friend,



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