Larry Norman Message Board

Thanks to all the thousands of visitors we've had in the past 30 days.
The response has been overwhelming, and has meant a lot to
Larry's family and friends around the world.

Again, thanks for all the support and great memories...
Post Info TOPIC: To Larry's dear family

To Larry's dear family

To those of you closest to Larry: I just learned of Larry's Homegoing. My tears were sad ones at first. But soon they changed over to happy tears, as I realized how free he now is of all pain and suffering. I hope that thought is of some comfort to you dear family members who are missing him so much already. Having been through the wringer long term with an awful disease myself has caused me to crave release from this body and to finally being with Jesus. My poems are often about my longings for Heaven. Severe illness has a way of making earth grow dimmer and this life seem almost surreal. So even though Larry surely didn't want to part ways with you, his loved ones- perhaps a part of him had wearied of the ongoing physical battles. The joyous thing is that there will be a blessed reunion one day! Possibly soon, from the prophecies being fulfilled all around us in the daily news. So please keep that in mind, whenever you feel grief weighing heavy upon you. You may have heard the song with lyrics that say " If you could see me now ( don't cry for me down here.) " I doubt we would cry as hard or long, if we could get but one glimpse of the eternal bliss Larry has entered into. Anyway, I hope that ministers a little to all of you. The scripture says we are not to grieve as those who have no hope. Yet, I do believe tears are part of the human experience and the God who created us certainly understands that. So never feel guilty for weeping when you need to, in your heavenly Father's Arms. I was happy to read his funeral was to be a celebration of his very special life. Larry has left such a legacy of music that will be used of God even though he is no longer physically here. What a treasure house and blessing to us all! His songs touched me on a deep level that very few artists could, other than Keith Green. I praise God for those words and music that He gave to Larry, who in turn eagerly shared them with all of us. Right up to the end, he was unselfishly thinking of ways to keep the ministry helping others! I send out a heartfelt thanks to Allen Fleming for typing Larry's goodbye letter and passing it on to us. Whenever I think of Larry, a smile will rise up in my heart, because of his humor. Yet he was as serious as anyone when it came to loving Jesus. I will remember the early Jesus Movement days and what a huge role he played in it. I will look back with affection upon my teen years and wearing out what we called "Jesus Rock" music back then. Thanks Larry, for your faithfulness to our Lord in your radical, yet lovable way. You always "spoke the truth in love ", as the scripture commands. You told us we " Should look into Jesus. He's got the answers." Though I never had the pleasure of meeting you on this earth, I somehow felt like I knew you. I truely look forward to the day I will meet you for the first Heaven. Meanwhile, we'll all miss you down here. But instead of farewell, I will just say, "See you soon, my brother in Christ."

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