Larry Norman Message Board

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The response has been overwhelming, and has meant a lot to
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Again, thanks for all the support and great memories...
Post Info TOPIC: We met in the Rockies!
John Westphall

We met in the Rockies!

   I didn't know Larry very well, but I liked his music. I met Larry at the music festival in ihe Rockies in the late 70's and got a chance to talk one on one for a couple of hours. I always wondered why he was so strange till after we talked and then I knew his heart. He,like me,could not stand (religious spirits) and he always tried to stir them up so that the Spirit of God could set people free from them. He may not have always done it in total wisdom but he did it with a Godly heart and as we all know our Father always looks at the heart of a person not the outward. I also know that is why a lot of religious christians looked down on him. Larry's heart may have been weak in his latter years but his eternal heart was strong and that is what matters. I wish I could have known him better and even ministered with him. I know he is no longer struggeling with the religious because he now has entered into the real world,the Kingdom of Heaven.

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