Larry Norman Message Board

Thanks to all the thousands of visitors we've had in the past 30 days.
The response has been overwhelming, and has meant a lot to
Larry's family and friends around the world.

Again, thanks for all the support and great memories...
Post Info TOPIC: Deepest Sympathy
Carmen Yelich

Deepest Sympathy

Deepest sympathy
To friends and family.
You are in our thoughts and prayers at this time of loss.
Words cannot express.
Larry's music has meant so much to us over the years.
I've listened to him since I'd attended a concert
in Vancouver, Canada as a teenager in the 80's.

His music seems to have reached out to and touched so many lives. His name automatically brings to mind for me the words 'street level', and 'bootleg', and of someone who practiced what he preached in reaching out to people from all walks of life, both Christian and non. Some of his recent health and financial issues are a testament to the fact, he hadn't (although very easily could have) 'sold out' for fame. A concept that unfortunately has at times so often been synonymous with Christian evangelism. $$$. These are often the individuals and organizations who are reported upon and who are in the public forefront at least. (Not to knock rich people. Just rich evangelists, perhaps.)

He at one time had received opposition from some in mainstream Christianity as a rebel rouser? and as someone who had wanted to (or just did?) shake things up and not necessarily follow the conventions of the day (tho following biblical principles just the same) and yet he stood his ground in what he believed.  My and subsequent generations have and will reap the benefits of his, and of other similarly minded individuals', efforts and foresight. His integrity as an artist, is valued as well.

Again so sorry for your loss,
We would have liked to have attended services today, and future concerts. We were so hoping and praying for Larry's full recovery, and so saddened by his passing, but thinking of you at this time...Indeed a great loss but what a legacy, and may his music and your ministry continue to touch lives around the globe.

Carmen Y.

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