Larry Norman Message Board

Thanks to all the thousands of visitors we've had in the past 30 days.
The response has been overwhelming, and has meant a lot to
Larry's family and friends around the world.

Again, thanks for all the support and great memories...
Post Info TOPIC: Larry Norman
Ted Coats

Larry Norman

Larry is a one-of-a-kind blessing... after him, God definitely broke the mold. It gives me encouragement to know we are all created in God's image.. Larry proves just how diverse God's image is. His music has left an imprint on my soul and paved the way for all Christian music. Larry has led so many to Christ, enriched the walk of believers, and challenged the world's view of a Christian. I am thankful for his life, his love of God, and his ministry. He will be fondly remembered and deeply missed.

Larry, I've seen you in concert but have we've never met. I look forward to meeting you one day to say "thanks!"

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