Larry Norman Message Board

Thanks to all the thousands of visitors we've had in the past 30 days.
The response has been overwhelming, and has meant a lot to
Larry's family and friends around the world.

Again, thanks for all the support and great memories...
Post Info TOPIC: Do songs really change people?
Tammy Claughton

Do songs really change people?

At 17 I was an avid MTV watcher. I went to stay with my Aunt & Uncle which listened to a LOT of Larry's music. I was a prodigal and couldn't wait to turn off Larry's music in favor of my MTV. This one day God was calling me to return and I listened to I Am a Servant  5 times, on a turn table no less, as I wrestled with God. That day and that song changed my life forever. Since that day there has been no turning back for me. I am sold out for Jesus and have been since 1984. Thanks to Larry sharing his gift and heart for Jesus!
Thank you for giving to the Lord - I am a life that was changed by a single song!!!
I am so sorry for your loss and will pray for your family as God prompts! May the God of all comfort, comfort you in the days and months to come.



Tammy, Thank you for sharing this.  I always believed good songs can really reach people and you proved it!  God bless you, and I'm sure Larry is smiling too.

Brenda Caley, Morgantown, PA


Beautiful testimony!  My whole identity was shaped by Larry's music from age 9.  It sunk into my spirit in ways that just spoken words can't.  I believe I gained a lot of wisdom about the meaning of life, what's really important, so I was able to see through the hype that often gets teenagers wrapped up and trapped up for years.  My spiritual views are pretty much carbon copies of Larry's!  Thank you will never be sufficient to say for all he has done for so many people.

Brenda Caley



There have been so many times in my life when reading the Bible, praying, going to church, etc. has been so difficult that I would wonder how I would keep my faith. In the middle of it all, the one thing that never failed me was Larry's music. On numerous occasions, his music was my only channel with God - the one thing that would keep my faith alive.

I will forever be in his debt.

mike c



what a beautiful testimony...that very same song has caused me to weep many times before God, and was instrumental in my wife and I spending time as missionaries in Japan.  I believe songs do change people, when they are written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by artists who allow themselves to be so led, and when the listener is open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Larry was one of those artists, and you are one of those listeners.  May we all allow ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit, be it by particular songs or any other means that God so chooses.  Thanks Tammy

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