So sad to hear that Larry has passd away. His music has been a great inspiration for me when it come to live as a Christian. He could really make good music with deep and meeningful lines. I think of his family in this sad moment, and hope that God will give you the strength you need to carry on! Regards Halvo...
Halvor M., Norway
Feb 26, 2008
by Halvor M., Norway
Larry Norman
Larry, I just got the news today and my heart is heavy, Although we never met you have been a part of my Christian walk from the beginnning. Thank you so much for being a Christian father to my faith. I have enjoyed your music and will continue to enjoy it with a passion. You are home now and i know your alrig...
Mike Paredes
Feb 26, 2008
by Mike Paredes
Enjoy the Lord: your Joy and your Reward!
You were such a blessing to countless people, and your message will continue to live on and lead many more souls to Jesus Christ! Thank you for being a true radical christian!
G. S. (Italy)
Feb 26, 2008
by G. S. (Italy)
Larry i will miss you, i'll hope i see you in heaven!
Dear Friends in the States, Larry lead me to the Lord with his songs, i spoke to him a several years ago in Gouda [nl] He was so very himself! he gets a broom together with me and we sweeped the floor! We'll bless you with the blessing of the Lord, and wish you strength in this difficult time of saying goodbye...
Gerard Boon
Feb 26, 2008
by Gerard Boon
Only visiting this planet
Larry finally ended his visit here. I am sure he is thrilled to be home. All I can say is that his songs have never been far from my thoughts over the last 30 years. I was just a young teen when I discoverd "UFO", "The six o'clock news", "And the son began to reign", and o...
Curtis L. Pryor
Feb 26, 2008
by Curtis L. Pryor
Way ahead of his time
The 'church' is still realizing the impact of Larry Normans ministry and the truth of his message. Just like Jesus didn't come to the reilgious but to those that had ears to hear, so did Larry. I will never forget the concerts and the way they impacted my life. His message that he brought to every conc...
Rebecca F., Seattle
Feb 26, 2008
by Rebecca F., Seattle
Thanks, Larry!
Larry Norman's music was the first "Contemporary Christian" music that I had ever heard, introduced to me by a friend in college, in 1975. We all LOVED his music and his message. His songs were sung on campus often, by many of us. He was SUCH an inspiration, and although he will be greatly...
Laura Sue
Feb 26, 2008
by Laura Sue
Larry ment alot to my husband and me he tought us alot and how to keep faith in good and bad times. He was a real insperation too us both and we will miss him. He is now in the BIG BAND IN THE SKY and playing for the one he lived for. this is not good by but so long for now to we meet again in that big house in the sky.
Glad to have been touched by his life...
My all time favorite song was and is "I Wish we'd All Been Ready" which was popular in the mid 70's and really made me think a lot as an adolescent. The song was covered by DC Talk in the 90's and my children discovered the song and even did a little skit to go along with it. I'm happy I got to see Larr...
Larry's Family
I just wanted you all to know what a blessing Larry was to us all. Praying for you all.
A Brother
Feb 26, 2008
by A Brother
Thank you!
Thank you Larry!
I have been so blessed through your music and lyrics, and your music will still bless me over and over again!!
I hope IŽll get the chance to have a long conversation with you some day.
One day we will dance together.
Stian Skauen
Feb 26, 2008
by Stian Skauen
Larry meant a lot to me
Hello, Got an email forward yesterday from Rich at Hidden Vision Records about Larry's passing. Was introduced to his music by college friends via Something New Under The Son. Another friend from the mistakenly told me that Larry was from WI, and being a collector of music by acts from my home stat...
Feb 26, 2008
by Anonymous
God-be-with-you, Larry! A goodbye from your German Brothers in Christ.
A friend of mine told me this morning, that Larry Norman has left for his final destination to eternity. Since I heard of him for the first time in the early 80ies, I had several times the opportunity to see him on concerts in Europe and listen to his songs, which had a strong energy and faith. Some "c...
Volker Gruch
Feb 26, 2008
by Volker Gruch
Thoughts for Charles & family
Dear Charles (& Kristin), I was incredibly saddened to read of Larry's death this morning. Both John and I feel priviledged to have had him present to sing and perform in our venue and to have known him through you. It is evident the legacy he has left with so many by the beautiful words and testimoni...
K Graham
We want to say we miss him already. Have been big fans ever since the end of the seventies. Spook to him personaly several times. He was a very special man. Glad we knew him.
Ben en Janny Scholten
Feb 26, 2008
by Ben en Janny Scholten
Thanks Larry
For all the joy you has given in all the years that you has served the Lord and hee peopel. Wee will miss you untill wee meet again in heaven. Love.. Kjell
Kjell Andersen (Norway)
Feb 26, 2008
by Kjell Andersen (Norway)
I'm glad he came my way and sorry to see him go
I'm sorry for the passing of Larry, I pray the Lord's comfort and grace for his family and close friends. We have the hope of seeing him again with Jesus. I was a newly saved Christian, in grade 12, used to sing in a band, I had just recently burnt my secular records and tapes because I new I needed a fresh sta...
David Mickalishen
Feb 26, 2008
by David Mickalishen
Larry's Family.....
I don't normally post in places like this. But Larry's music touched my life and I want to say THANKS!! I both rejoice and grieve with you over his passing. Our lives were made richer with his gift. Thanks for sharing him with us. He brought us joy. :)
I remember meeting him
I remember meeting Larry Norman in 1997 about midnight in downtown Springfield, MO. He was in town for a concert. My girlfriend (now wife of 10 years) and I recognized him right off the bat. He was being prayed for and I remember seeing him drop to his knees on the sidewalk. He was hanging out at a Chri...
Reuben Smith
Feb 26, 2008
by Reuben Smith
Thirty five years of friendship...
When others didn't understand, I did. When people turned their backs on you, I didn't. David Brenner. Chinese take out. Laughing til we threw up. Chocolate chip cookies. Flex. YGAF. Photos in the park. Postcards from everywhere. Color My World...Chicago. I'll miss you, Larry.
Feb 26, 2008
by Anonymous
Thank you, Larry!
Please add me to the list of countless others who have been moved and inspired by Larry's ministry. Heaven is now an even MORE fun and musical place -- well done, good and faithful servant. Suzie Thomas The Light 95.9 FM Canton, OH
Suzie Thomas, Canton, OH
Feb 26, 2008
by Suzie Thomas, Canton, OH
continuing the music?
Will Larry's music still be available? Recorded? Maybe tabbed out with permission to perform his songs? While it would be a tribute to Larry, it would also be a continuation of his gift and talent.
Thanks brother!
Thanks brother for your great inspiration in my life. You were a blessing. It's sad for us but great for you that you are no longer "Only Visiting this Planet". To live is Christ to die is gain!
Feb 26, 2008
by Anonymous
I remember
I went to see Larry in New Hampshire in 1975. At least it was around that time and place, as I was living in Boston at the time. To see and hear a guy with white hair half way down his back sing "I am a servant", and talk with us...Wow. I was sure after that...I didn't have to fit in a box. I KNEW he had t...
Larry's passing
I first heard Larry's music as a very young christian and it stayed with me 34 years later. Thanks for the music.
Michael Roberts
Feb 26, 2008
by Michael Roberts
A great man has just passed away!
It is with a great sorrow that I just in this moment read that Mr. Norman had passed away. His music has really touched my life and made a great effort on my personal faith and walk with J.C. Larrys music will be with me always and his wonderful lyrics will follow me. Thankyou for the music!
Ulrika Hansson
Feb 26, 2008
by Ulrika Hansson
No Thanks Are Ever Enough
To Larry's Family and Friends, I wish to thank you all so very much for sharing Larry with us all. I want you to know that the impact he had in my family alone was more than mere words can ever express. He not only entertained us, he h...
A Grateful Fan
Feb 26, 2008
by A Grateful Fan
Sorry for your Lose
To the family i am so sorry for your lose. I just wanted to say thank you Larry i never saw him in concert but his music tuched my life and God used him as an insterment to point me in the right direction more than onece.
Feb 26, 2008
The Impact of Larry Norman
I am a missionary in Japan...Larry Norman is one of my Christian, as well as, musical heroes. His music played a very important part in my life and faith...Although I never had the opportunity to meet him, his influence touched much of what I have done...I will miss his inspiration... To his family,...
I Love You
I am empty and open and my heart sings with sadness and joy at the news of Larrys passing. I feel so privileged to have met him after a solo performance in New York City in 1979. His music and his ministry meant much to me as a young Christian in high school. Feeling alone and alienated he felt like a friend wh...