Fun Larry Norman Story
"Jump back, back in time, it was '73..." My brother, Jim, introduced my family to Larry Norman at "Jesus '73" in Morgantown, PA. He brought two of his albums, signed, back to our tent, all excited. One was "So Long Ago the Garden". When my Mom saw the silhouette of...
Brenda Caley, Morgantown, PA
Mar 30, 2008
by Brenda Caley, Morgantown, PA
Larry's lyrics and words always came back to me
Dear Family of Larry Norman, I want to express to you my sadness for your loss. I have been a Christian for over 25 years. Unfortunately, I have spent a lot of that time backslidden. I first started listening to Larry's music about the time I was saved. I saw Larry perform once in L.A.. It was over 20 years...
Pattie Bernasconi-Vandall
Mar 30, 2008
by Pattie Bernasconi-Vandall
Thanks For The Message Board
I just wanted to say thank you to the friends and family of Larry's who made this message board available. Over the past few weeks i've become a regular poster on here and i've found it to be a big comfort and help in dealing with the loss of my favorite musician....and I know that others here feel the same w...
Larry's Views On Death & Eternity
Maybe someone can help out here. I remember Larry speaking about his opinions on life after death at a concert, and it didn't seem to be the 'traditional' Christian opinion of entering Heaven as soon as you die. I don't know the name for this philosophy, but it had to do with a belief of sleeping in your gr...
Larry Norman's Impact
I had the opportunity to see Larry Norman in concert a couple of times in Toronto, Canada at the People's Church. His impact was always more impressive then what you would expect from any man or woman. His down-to-earth words, tone in speech and in lyrics make him a timeless music legend. His words a...
where has Larry been???
where did you see Larry? or where have you heard Larry? Please add where you saw larry just to see how much of the world has been touched by his ministry JOHN IN SCOTLAND
john howie
Mar 29, 2008
by Anonymous
Son of Promise, to a Son of Promise
I was exposed to Larry Norman's career at a young age by my father, who is just a few years older than Larry. All I know of passion for God in music comes from the likes of Larry Norman, Randy Stonehill, Keith Green, Phil Keagy, and so many others. Allthough I never had the opportunity to meet Larry, the rec...
Jonathan Dorris
Mar 27, 2008
by Jonathan Dorris
my tribute to Larry Norman on youtube
My family and I got to see larry's last concert on earth. We drove from chicago to ny city last august for the concert. The kids didnt know till we got there, and they saw the poster on the church door. It was an incrediable evening. I hope you enjoy the tribute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq...
Steve F
Mar 27, 2008
by Anonymous
We will meet someday Larry ........
your inspiration
your inspiration is my inspiration. your music is my music. your people is my people. your god is my god. I wish you a great time with Jesus Christ!
Manù Coyne
Mar 27, 2008
by Manù Coyne
"Well Done Good & Faithfull Servant"
"Well Done Good & Faithfull Servant" I only can think this will be the greatest reward any of us that hope unto Christ, and the work he did on the cross, can hope for! This I hope -"to see ya'll there in the end". Larry's honesty and directness in pointing to Chirst, the way ...
David Basler
Mar 27, 2008
by David Basler
Apologetix E;Mail
Hi All Here is a newsletter from apologetix(that Christian parody band) thought some of you might like to read it> John
John howie
Mar 26, 2008
by John Howie
Goodbye to the Leader of the Gadfly Gang
Wikipedia defines "gadfly" as a term for people who upset the status quo by posing unsettling or novel questions... Years ago (following seeing Larry in concert) I bought a copy of "Almost So Long Ago the Garden" from Larry's Phydeaux mail order, and sent a letter with the or...
Rick Johnson
Mar 26, 2008
by Rick Johnson
Steve Camp Memories
Take a look at this memorial and learn a little more about Larry.stevenjcamp.blogspot.com
John Howie (scotland)
Mar 26, 2008
by Anonymous
Tributo a Larry Norman
Me chamo Rinalme, sou apresentador do programa de rádio denominado CHRISTROCK, na Rádio Educativa Salesiana Padre Cicero, FM 104.9, da cidade de Juazeiro do Norte, Estado do Ceará, Brasil, que pela internet pode ser ouvida através do link http://www.radiopadrecicero.org.br/ ... ... ... ....
Mar 26, 2008
by Ray Fowler
Larry Norman Tribute event in BC Canada
House Of James is hosting a tribute event. Please read the letter below (from a friend that is putting on the event) and RSVP to music@houseofjames.com
Dear Friend:
As you know, following a lengthy illness, our friend Larry Norman passed away late last month. His family had a wonderful Funeral s...
Rob Neiman
Mar 26, 2008
by Rob Neiman
I met this long hair on the street
First time I saw Larry Norman live was in Helsinki when he had a concert with Alwyn Wall & Barratt Band. After that I have always been in the audience when he was around here in Finland. Last memories are when he was playing with Charles and a band called Q-Stone. Since I was grieved to hear about his p...
Easter Poem I Would Like to Share
Happy Belated Easter to my friends, friends of Larry Norman! I would like to share an Easter poem I wrote to wish you a happy belated Easter! I got the lyrics...now I just need a song to go with it... Forsaken By My Father A crown of thorns punctures My righteous headSanctified blood drips down, stain...
Brenda Caley, Morgantown, PA
Mar 26, 2008
by Brenda Caley, Morgantown, PA
I have two great videos of Larry: bootlegg and live and kickin and Face to Face. what is the best one out there ?
sarge madden
Mar 26, 2008
by Steve, UK
Belfast days
Last week I discovered that one of my personal heroes had died just a few weeks ago. Larry Norman was a Christian singer/song writer who has been called by many the father of contemporary Christian music. As a teenager living within the religious confines of Northern Irish family life, I remember go...
Mar 22, 2008
by Steve, UK
Favorite Larry Norman Albums
We all have (and love) the trilogy CD's as well as a few of Larry's other most popular albums such as "Upon This Rock" and "Something New Under The Son", but which lesser known or newer CD's do you have and love and recommend to others? There's a ton of Larry's CD's available for pur...
Mar 22, 2008
by Jim Conarroe
Last concert
Has anyone heard if the NYC concert will be released on CD or DVD? If so, when? Thanks!
Jim Conarroe
Mar 22, 2008
by Jim Conarroe
We truly love Larry and are going to miss him. Our wonderful Savior has used his music and writings to encourage me as well as to make me the kind of Christian who will stand for the truth of God's Word. Larry never compromised, and that in itself is a legacy. See you at the Throne, brother. :)
Greg & Nona Coleman
Mar 22, 2008
by Greg & Nona Coleman
Thanks for writing one of the most beautiful songs that made me laugh. Dirty Gyptians. I can see Him smiling!
Piet de Groot, The Netherlands
Mar 22, 2008
by Piet de Groot, The Netherlands
Remembering Larry at LivingStone in Abbotsford, BC
Larry has had such a deep and lasting effect on so many, many of us throughout the Greater Vancouver area. So many emails going around between us, so much sadness at his passing, so much JOY in remembering how he was 'right out there' about being serious about our walk with Jesus! On an Abbotsford farm, s...
Roy Carver
Modern Church History recollection of Larry Norman
Ive been following Larry Normans career for forty years. The expressed sentiments upon Larrys death have been encouraging, inspiring, and most heartfelt. Gods Word, the Holy Bible, and Christian history record unlimited characters for us to know. I think of David, Moses, Abraham, Peter, Paul,...
I wonder.....
3 weeks now since Larry went home and I'm just amazed at how messages just keep coming in. We're all still thinking of and praying for Larry's family, we, the body of Christ are still grieving together at our loss , and I know I'm not the only who just really misses Larry. Every song I've listened to is...
mike c
Mar 21, 2008
by Holly Heimbigner
Beware! The Blob
Anyone here seen this movie? It's a low budget "B" movie from 1972, but I loved it! I'm a sucker for cheesy movies anyway, but the cameo appearances by Larry Norman and Randy Stonehill were great! How...
Mar 21, 2008
by Roger Smith
Song for Larry
Ray Fowler
Obscure Musician Leaves Legacy
I found an article in the Northumberland Today and this portion of the piece expressed exactly how I feel. "...So, what do I take away from the legacy of an obscure musician? I'd like to be someone who can sit and talk to someone who is hurting or who has questions about God, and radiate a gentleness...