My Larry Memories
I was saddened to learn of the death of Larry Norman. I just found out tonight. My sympathies to Larry's family. I saw Larry for the first time in the Fall of '84 in a high School in Kitchener Waterloo and again in the mid to late '90's At People's Church in Hamilton. The 2nd time was just after he had rec...
Dan From Hamilton, Ontario
Mar 15, 2008
by Anonymous
thanks to God for Larry
today i took an all day trip. i flew from montgomery to new york with my old larry norman tapes in tow. what should have taken 2-3 hours took 8. i was headed for my sister's apt in manhattan. she will transfer my larry norman music directly from my fragile cassette tapes to my computer with one of her hi tech...
Mar 14, 2008
by Anonymous
Where is Michael?
I would love to know where Michael is - does anyone know? thanks, Luke
Luke Carpenter
Mar 14, 2008
by Luke Carpenter
Great American Novel-Still Relevant
there was a time when Great American Novel seemed like the distant pass...all that talk about Vietnam and the invasion of human rights. Not to introduce anything divisive or controversial(I've done enough of that!).....but, I listened to the song today and was stunned. It's all happening again...
Terry Roland
Mar 14, 2008
by Anonymous
Jesus '74
I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 14 and the following year, went to a revival conert in PA called Jesus '74. I never knew Christian music could sound so good. That type of music really spoke to teenagers at that time and I will never forget the influence that he had, as a music, a poet and and an evange...
Debi MacDonald
Mar 14, 2008
by Brenda Caley, Morgantown, PA
a song I believe I heard Larry sing live...
this song came from Psalms 131, and had the words, "things too high for me"...it was truly amazing...a mezmerizing song that has haunted me for 30 plus years. I have no way of knowing if Larry wrote it or not...or maybe just performed it in concert. If anyone knows this song...if it's anywh...
Ozark newspaper Larry Norman tribute today
Following is an EPIC tribute of Shakespearean proportions on Larry Norman as it appears in 18 counties of Arkansas and Missouri. To miss or not to miss there is no question This weekend the Christian contemporary music group Newsboys from Australia comes to Arkansas. This is a concert not to miss....
servant of YHVH
Mar 14, 2008
by servant of YHVH
Larry passed away...
A great man and follower of Jesus has gone and many feel a sense of a big lost. I was able to see Larry perform in May while he was touring throughout Germany. Although he was already bodily weak he still had a great sense of humour and had a great time on stage! His songs and his example of beeing a discip...
Mar 14, 2008
by Ray Fowler
Song for Larry (Fehrion)
Some say he was just a friend
Larry met in canada
others say just a righteous rocker
he saw on the six o'clock news
some say just a stranger,
only visiting this planet
some say he was a dancer
Dancing to a classical mandolin
$ Fehrion where have you gone
Larry's been looking for you s...
If God is my Father........
"If God is my Father.....and you are my brother.....then why can't we bother.....to really reach out and love one another..........why do we keep on actin' the way we do......the way we treat each other...it just breaks my heart in two...........
Mar 14, 2008
by Urs HEINZ from Switzerland
London Times obituary
Rev. Philip Wren, UK
Mar 14, 2008
by Anonymous
Larry Norman/Randy Stonehill Documentary
For those concerned about Randy's comments, there may be more. Randy participated in this upcoming documentary by David Di Sabatino. I hope Larry did too, for balance. I found this blog-post: I have been working on a follow-up documentary that will soon be announced. It is on a somewhat similar t...
Mar 14, 2008
by Anonymous
Jesus is still the Resurrection and the Life! (John 11:25)
Indeed I will pray for Larry's family members. When I became a Christian in 1971, Larry's music became the catalyst to jump-start my Christian walk. I saw him the following year at Explo '72, the "Christian Woodstock," as the press called it, in Dallas, TX. It was hard to find press cov...
Kurt Van Gorden
Mar 14, 2008
by Anonymous
Tom Howard
One of my favorite Sr artists was Tom Howard. Does anyone know what he's up to or where he is?
"Be a man of man of God and do what he says"LN
Hello. I was so sad to find out today that Larry passed away. I didnt know until I attempted to contact him and his ministry regarding a distribution opportunity for his music. I have only spoken to him once many years ago at the heart for heart concert in San Jose, CA. What he told was very led by God. Early...
Mar 14, 2008
by soundz4u@verizon.net
Concert at First Baptits San Mateo circa 1987
Was anybody at a Larry Norman concert at First Baptist San Mateo around 1987? I remember Larry had some trouble with the microphone that night. Also, a few of us got to eat pizza with Larry after the concert. We were remembering this one fan that came back and talked to Larry. He was a man in his 20's, br...
Mar 14, 2008
by DiggerDan
Larry Norman: Like No Other
LARRY NORMAN: LIKE NO OTHER Christian Rock Pioneer, Larry Norman, Dies at 60 LIKE NO OTHER by Stan C. Countz He was too rock for the holy rollers and he was too holy for the rockers Larry brought a fresh new sound But he gave no ground to mockers His voice rose above the clamor He was a meek and humble servant...
Stan C. Countz
Mar 13, 2008
by Anonymous
rock my soul tribute to larry
he blessed us all with his music and ministry our loss is heavens gain well done good and faithful srevant receive your reward in the presence of the king of kings
phil evans
Mar 13, 2008
by phil evans
What a legacy under God
I saw Larry when he was in Sydney in the late 70's. He revolutionised my life in some ways. Thank you Larry for showing us the way to write the great Christian novel in music. Being critical and yet loving of our world. God was so good in granting us him for the years that he did. "But he who has what he ho...
Ken Simpson
Mar 13, 2008
by Ken Simpson
This is a message from the band Jerusalem in Sweden. We were sad when we heard that Larry is no longer with us, but he's now together with the savior he loved to sing about. Larry did battle and win against all odds in the beginning when Christian Rock was something, according to many, a bad and ungodly thi...
Jerusalem Sweden
Mar 13, 2008
by Tom Tracy
I wonder how much I owe to Larry
In 1981 I sat with a beautiful woman in the Birlin National Stadium. Larry Norman sang his exquisite melodies and then I turned to this lady friend and asked her to marry me. Three fabulous children and 27 years later my life is blessed. I wonder how much I owe to Larry
Paul bazalgette
Mar 13, 2008
by Ryan McReynolds
Randy Stonehill Site Comment...
I read Randy Stonehill's comments on his site yesterday. First, let me say, I feel somewhat angry about the tone of the letter. I believe it was maybe a personal and private letter of regret about opportunities missed. I also wonder about his comment that he knew Larry better than anyone. I wonder wh...
Terry Roland
Mar 13, 2008
by Anonymous
I saw him in chicago
I saw Larry in concert three times around the chicago area ann never was i so amazed with the sound of somones voice and chopping away on a clasical guitar then hering Larry do it. we have come this far that I tell all my kids freinds at church who he was and what he did in life, and they say Larry who? I am here t...
Just passing through...
Larry Norman... How can I ever begin to say thanks for the years, inspiration, the see-through soul that shouted into the vast wilderness of this empty World. And my empty World. We truly will meet again before the throne of our King. I am a richer soul because you dared to share yours..... Thank you. &q...
Anonymous - colorado
Mar 12, 2008
by Anonymous
he was my best artist!!sorry
the best fan
Mar 12, 2008
by the best fan
sound track to my teen years
I just wanted to say how sorry I was to learn of the death of Larry Norman. He was the first Christian singer/composer who realized that the devil doesn't have to have all the good music, that you could write songs that were up to date and still worship God and challenge people to think about their Salvati...
Hazel Briggs
Mar 12, 2008
by Hazel Briggs
A living Stone
In 1972 I became a Christian, shortly thereafter when I was at work I had come across a flyer about a Jesus Festival in Cinn. Ohio. The flyer had an article about Larry Norman who I didnt anything about at the time saying that had he left the band he was with after having a hit song t. He said that all he wanted...
Andy Bloom
Mar 12, 2008
by Anonymous
Bravery begets bravery
Few have stood so firm and brave. Many have been motivated by such an example. Who will rise up and be the next sacrificial, innovative, and motivational leader in mainstream music that never shrinks back from his/her faith? Who will touch so many lives through this kind of creative genius, purposef...
Jeff Adams, Lacey, WA
Mar 12, 2008
by Gord Wilson
Why should the devil have all the good musicians?
Why Should The Devil Have all the good musicians? He was a legend of humble stature He was a warrior who fought for what was right Maybe it was his heart, maybe his nature But he never lost his God given sight. Couldve been a household name Couldve been known for his influence They said, only if he didnt sin...
Mar 12, 2008
by Bill Paldino
A gift from the Lord
Hearing of Larry's passing was a shock and brought great sadness to my heart. He has gone home to be with his Lord! To me, Larry has brought me such joy, love and peace in his life and music. To me he was a gift from God and will be forever remember for the music that change the way I thought and believe about t...
Paul D. from Canada
Mar 12, 2008
by Paul D. from Canada